I bought this stone specifically so I could become more in tune with my sacral chakra, and to balance my divine feminine and masculine energy because that is the key to attracting your manifestations not chasing them. This stone puts you in the energy of receiving. Also, this plus rose quartz? Enchantress!
Labradorite bracelets✨
Are you on a journey to heal yourself through deep self discovery? Are you ready to cut cords with physical and spiritual attachments that are no longer serving you? Do you intend to protect and improve your vibration? The labradorite is the stone for you. It unlocks your intuition and allows you to dig deeper for divine guidance. Note that working with the labradorite will require you to be vulnerable, so open yourself up to softness and allow your true, most authentic self to be free. Make peace with being at peace.
Black tourmaline đź–¤
We can’t have a discussion about spiritual protection, grounding, emotional boundaries and strength without mentioning the black tourmaline. This crystal absorbs energy that is harmful to the aura and emits grounding energy to regulate our emotional and mental responses. It also blocks electro magnetics, so be sure to have it close when exposed to heavy technology. Because it absorbs negative energy, it is important to cleanse it often with sage, water or salt. Use when setting intentions of wellness and security.
Kente –
I bought this stone specifically so I could become more in tune with my sacral chakra, and to balance my divine feminine and masculine energy because that is the key to attracting your manifestations not chasing them. This stone puts you in the energy of receiving. Also, this plus rose quartz? Enchantress!